Owning your own business can be one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences. From developing a business plan to calculating finances, there are plenty of things to think about when getting your company off the ground. Don’t leave insurance off the list! In addition to personal coverage, small business owners should also consider having insurance that protects all the different facets of their company.
General and Commercial Liability Insurance: A general liability policy, sometimes called errors and omission insurance or “E&O,” will cover damages if you, your employees, or your products or services cause injury or damage to someone else. Professional liability insurance covers damages for failure to or improperly rendering professional services.
Commercial Property Insurance: Property insurance protects you if your building or business property – including office equipment, computers, and other tools – is damaged, vandalized, or stolen.
Commercial Auto Insurance: If you use company vehicles to do business – including transporting employees, products, or equipment – make sure they are protected in the event of damage or collisions.
Workers’ Compensation: If your employees are injured on the job, workers’ compensation provides them with wage replacement and medical benefits. It also protects you and your company from legal complications.
Cyber Liability: You are responsible for protecting sensitive, non-public information about your employees or clients on your computers and servers. A cyber liability policy will protect you against loss if a data breach occurs.